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PROVIDER DETAILS: County of Maui, DHHC - Kaunoa Senior Services

Address: (See Map)

401 Alakapa Pl
Paia, HI 96779

Contact Information:

Phone: (808) 270-7308



A division of the County of Maui's Department of Housing and Human Concerns, Kaunoa Senior Services provides opportunities for seniors to learn and grow through a variety of ongoing programs throughout the County. Kaunoa provides a wide range of exciting and exceptional services, activities, and programs for a new generation of seniors with changing and diverse needs and interests. Programs include but are not limited to Assisted Transportation; Congregate Dining Program; Leisure Program, Meals on Wheels; and Retired & Senior Volunteer Program.

Helpful Phone Numbers:
Assisted Transportation Program: 808-270-7310
Congregate Meals Program: 808-270-7306
Meals on Wheels Program : 808-270-7321
Leisure Program: 808-270-7308


Service Categories

Assisted Transportation, Congregate Meals, County Assisted Transportation, County Transportation, FCG Supplemental Service - Home Delivered Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Information and Assistance Resource, KC Transportation, Nutrition Education, Recreation/Leisure, Transportation

Last Update Date: 03/02/2022

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