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PROVIDER DETAILS: Alzheimer's Association - Maui

Address: (See Map)

270 Ho'okahi St
Suite 311
Wailuku, HI 96793


Contact Information:

Phone: (808) 242-8636


Organization Contacts

Christine Spencer
Phone: (808) 238-2978



The Alzheimer's Association Helpline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in more than 200 languages. Their staff is highly trained and knowledgeable about all aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. Call if you have questions about: Alzheimer’s disease or memory loss; medications and treatment options; brain health and care options; how the Association can help you; caregiving tips and respite care options; services available in your community and referrals. If you prefer, send an email message. For information on education, support and resources, contact To better assist you, please indicate which island you are located on.
Safety Services:
The safety services are designed to support individuals with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia as well as caregivers. MedicAlert®+Alzheimer's Association Safe Return® is a nationwide identification, support and enrollment program that provides assistance when someone with Alzheimer's or a related dementia wanders and becomes lost. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If an enrollee is missing, one phone call immediately activates a community support network to help reunite the lost person with his or her caregiver.


Service Categories

B05 Health Education and Promotion, Caregiver Support Groups, Information and Assistance Resource, Information Lines, Health, Support Groups

Last Update Date: 02/28/2022

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